Why we need to care about our children’s airway health with dentist Dr Shereen Lim

Does your child snore or grind their teeth? Do they wake up grumpy or struggle with inattention, hyperactivity or meltdown at the drop of a hat? 

If so, airway health is something worth looking at. 

In this episode, I chat with airway-focused dentist Dr Shereen Lim all about airway health and why  it is so important for our kids’ sleep, development, health and behaviour. 

Dr Shereen Lim is a Perth-based dentist with a postgraduate diploma in dental sleep medicine from the University of Western Australia.

She has been involved in the team management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea since 2011. 

Dr Lim is dedicated to promoting airway health from infancy as an alternative approach to minimize the development of these problems, and is the author of the book “Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover How Airway Health Can Unlock Your Child’s Greater Health, Learning and Potential.”

In her private practice work, Dr Lim focuses on tongue tie management from infancy to adulthood, early interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional therapy.

Dr Shereen Lim and I chat about: 

  • What airway health is 
  • Why airways health is so important for our children’s health, sleep and development 
  • How airway health is connected to emotional regulation, attention and our children’s behaviour 
  • The signs to look out for that indicate that your child may have an airway issue 
  • Why tongue function and positioning are so important for proper jaw development, breathing and sleeping 
  • How we can support our kids to have optimal breathing from a young age and when they are older 
  • What we can do as adults if we don’t have optimal airway health 

Episode Links:


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