Cultivating life skills in our kids through homemaking

Cultivating life skills in our kids through homemaking 

Do you wish your kids helped out around the home more? 

Do you find yourself nagging and constantly reminding your kids to clean up after themselves?

Are you resentful of your family because you end up doing all the cooking, cleaning and laundry? 

These are all common struggles that parents have. 

That is why I asked Veronica Vanderpool to come on the podcast to talk about chores and homemaking. We unpack why getting our kids involved in homemaking is essential and how we can do so. 

Veronica is passionate about empowering kids through homemaking. She inspires parents to get their kids involved in household tasks. She is a licensed stylist who became a full-time mom to her three daughters. For the past four years, Veronica has been homeschooling them, a rewarding journey she never anticipated. Homemaking is an integral part of her children’s learning, development and everyday life. 

Veronica and I chat about: 

  • Why getting our kids to participate in household tasks is essential 
  • The many skills kids learn through helping with homemaking 
  • How to get kids excited about chores 
  • Why getting our kids involved in taking care of the household matters 
  • Why homemaking isn’t just a ‘job’ for mothers but for the entire family 
  • Age appropriate expectations for kids depending on their age
  • How we can begin involving our kids in chores, even if we haven’t been doing so yet 
  • Why wording matters when we talk to our kids about chores 
  • What is stopping so many parents from getting their kids helping out at home 
  • The utility of goals to motivate our kids 
  • Why observing, modelling, patience and starting small are key 
  • How we can remind our kids without nagging 

Episode Links:

 Listen and Subscribe to Wild + Well on: Apple Podcast | Spotify 



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